// HTML e-mail address collection
// by Phil Burk
$emailAddress = strip_tags($_POST['emailAddress']);
// Function to check the validity of an e-mail address.
// From Joseph Lumbroso, http://www.lumbroso.com/scripts/
function checkEmailValidity( $address )
return eregi( "^[_\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,3}$", $address );
if( ($emailAddress != "" ) )
if( !checkEmailValidity( $emailAddress ) )
Please hit the Back button
and enter a valid e-mail address!
if( $emailAddress != "" )
$today = date("Ymd");
$letter = "$emailAddress,$today\n";
// Append letter to log file.
$fp = fopen("/var/www/softsynth/logs/pforth_addr.txt", "a" );
if( fp === false )
echo("Could not open log file.
fwrite( $fp, $letter );
fclose( $fp );
// Send email to host.
$targetName = "nospam@softsynth.com";
mail( $targetName, "pForth request log",
"$letter" );