Wire Tutorial - Modulating Frequency

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You can use the output of one module to control an input on another module. Let use one oscillator to control the frequency of another oscillator.

  1. Open the editor for our patch by double clicking on the top of the patch module.
  2. Add a SineOscillator to the patch from the "Add, Oscillators" menu.
  3. Add a NumericKnobModule from the "Add, Miscellaneous" menu and set its value to 0.5 and its maximum to 20.0.
  4. Connect the knob to the sinOsc frequency.
  5. Add a NumericKnobModule from the "Add, Miscellaneous" menu and set its value to 500.0 and its maximum to 1000.0.
  6. Connect the knob to the sinOsc amplitude.
  7. Connect the sinOsc output to the sqrOscBl frequency. Notice that this disconnect the existing connection.
  8. You should see this:

Notice that the frequency of the square wave oscillator is now rising and falling at a rate determined by the sinOsc frequency. The square wave oscillator frequency ranges from -500.0 Hz to +500.0 Hz, which is determined by the amplitude of the modulating sinewave oscillator. Oscillators can accept negative frequency values which sounds just like positive frequency values. Play with the knobs.

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